The meaning of Dojo translates to the way of place or in other words, a place where you find your way.
Let The Digital Dojo become your place online where you find your way to living a thriving life, mind, body and spirit.
Upcoming Events Inside The Digital Dojo

Join us online for this FREE Masterclass
February 20th, 2025 | 7 - 8:30PM PST

Apply for NAP Practitioner Training

The next immersive 6-week healing journey begins March 6th, 2025 and is all about MONEY!

The New Agreement Process
Many of the programs and workshops inside the Digital Dojo draw on NAP (The New Agreement Process) which is a gentle yet powerful healing modality created by Colleen Robinson.
Learn More About NAP

Why Weight?
This is a 7 week online, pre-recorded class that you can watch at your leisure.

NAP 101 | The Foundations
Start applying this powerful healing technique in your own life immediately and at your own pace!

This foundational program of The Black Belt Mind (BBM) is offered for free for those ready and willing to begin their journey of self-mastery.

NAP Practitioner Training
Incorporate NAP into your healing toolbox.

Echoes of the Past
Meet The Founders

Colleen & Dana
Colleen's background and practice as a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine has allowed her time to focus on pattern recognition, individuality, and the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit.
Her work with “energy medicine” techniques and the creation of YIM: Your Integral Medicine has given her insight into how much capacity people have, how complex they are, and how much goodness they have.
Her work with Dana and his all-embracing compass and personal guidance system of The Black Belt Mind has allowed her to recognize each person’s innate sense of knowingness and capacity to truly walk the path of being a better person every day, every choice, every moment.
Dana’s background is as a problem-solver and pattern-finder. His martial arts training began before he entered school, and has never stopped.
His work with athletes transferred quickly to working with executives who needed to bring out the best in themselves, and from there to helping companies deal with change management, communication issues, and personal empowerment.
Dana’s work stays relevant not only with corporations but also with couples, families, and anyone looking to create the best version of themselves. He has an almost uncanny ability to sift through the often overwhelming aspects of the issues that people are facing, and pinpoint the most critical areas to work with for rapid change.
Together, Colleen and Dana bring complementary skill sets to classes, group work, and presentations. Their years of working side by side allow them to focus on the things that are important to them with clients: safety, communication, ease, and progress.
Blog Posts

Watch this space - podcast launching soon
Be Notified when it launches!