How To Go From Feeling Trapped, Anxious, and Stressed About Money

To Finally Creating Your Own Peaceful Relationship With Abundance - By Understanding And Breaking Free From Hidden Money Trauma Patterns 

Money is a phenomenal thing...

...You get to provide for your family.

...You get to create the life you want. 

And you get to feel secure about your future.

Unless you have your ancestral money patterns kick in.

Then it goes from being a tool for freedom to being a source of constant stress, because that's when you go from feeling in control to feeling completely trapped.

Then you go from having clear financial goals to being paralyzed by money decisions.

Then you go from making progress to repeating the same money mistakes.

Then you go from having hope to having anxiety.

And that's the point that either makes or breaks everything.

That's the point that gets to decide if you stay stuck in your family's money patterns...

...or finally break free and create your own relationship with abundance.

That's the point that keeps you trapped in scarcity or leads you to true financial peace.

And in this 6-Week Money Healing Journey NAP POD, you're going to discover how to go from being controlled by inherited money trauma to finally choosing your own financial future.

We get it!

  • You want to change your money patterns and relationship with money but you don’t know how
  • You’re tired of fighting about money
  • You’re tired of being stuck in the “have to work hard” mentality
  • You know what you “should” do to make more / invest more / succeed more, but you just can’t seem to make yourself do it
  • You’ve seen where other members of your family have gone with money and you don’t want to repeat their mistakes.
  • You’re either flying high with abundance or crashing hard with debt

What if we told you we have a new way, and the results people are getting are blowing our minds...


Money Matters

A 6-Week Healing Journey with Colleen & Dana (plus some other amazing humans).

When: starts March 6th

Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 PM PST 

Where: Virtual on Zoom (replays available)

 This is for you if: 


  • You find yourself lying awake at night worrying about money, even when your bills are paid
  • You're exhausted from the constant cycle of working harder, making more, but somehow never feeling financially secure
  • You keep repeating the same money patterns you swore you'd never copy from your parents
  • You feel guilty about money whether you have too much or too little of it
  • You're tired of fighting about finances in your relationships and want to break the cycle
  • You notice yourself sabotaging your financial success just when things start going well
  • You're caught between believing "rich people are bad" and desperately wanting more abundance
  • You can see your family's money struggles playing out in your own life and you're ready to break free
  • You've tried budgeting apps, financial planning, and "money mindset" work but the same patterns keep showing up
  • You feel like you understand your money issues intellectually, but can't seem to change your emotional relationship with money

HI! We are Dana & Colleen


Colleen and Dana have dedicated their time, energy and passion towards becoming professional listeners, and they’re highly sought after to use and teach conscious communication in all aspects of their work. 

Dana created The Black Belt Mind in part to emphasize the importance and value of building your ability to authentically and transparently listen to yourself, and how this in turn directly  impacts your ability to actually hear and listen to others. 

Colleen’s use of NAP (the New Agreement Process) combined with her pattern-finding capacity from her TCM background, allows her to help you clear old issues as they arise in a class, letting you step forward with an increasingly clean slate.


  • Understand the patterns of money issues, fom hypervigilance to self-destructive to avoidance
  • Be aware of the somatic (body) issues that tie in with money worries and why they show up
  • Get clear on the many aspects of financial / survival / abundance issues that can be inherited, and why you don’t have to be ashamed of having them
  • Find the space to stop feeling trapped in repeating financial issues, and to find your own way forward
  • Gain confidence in your ability to work on yourself for financial issues - and in your ability to bring information in to sessions (no matter what kind of sessions) to help the people who are helping you heal
  • Realize that of course there are reasons why you’ve been doing what you’re doing: you’re not lazy, you’re not crazy, and you’re not wrong
  • You’re also not trapped
  • Find ways to remain hopeful that you aren’t trapped in the same thing forever

Can you see yourself at your peak financial health, radiating vitality and living your best life? 


 Sign up now!



One time payment

  • Understanding Money Patterns: Discover where your relationship with money really comes from - childhood, society, and even your ancestors' experiences.
  • Practical Tools: Learn easy ways to identify and clear inherited trauma patterns that have been impacting your financial life.
  • Transformative Insights: Understand why you're not wrong, crazy, or lazy - and how to move from survival mode to true abundance.
  • Body-Mind Connection: Discover how money stress shows up in your body and what that tells you about your patterns.
  • Real Solutions: Get concrete suggestions for shifting your relationship with money, without having to "get everything right" first.


$299CAD x 2

Two Instalments

  • Understanding Money Patterns: Discover where your relationship with money really comes from - childhood, society, and even your ancestors' experiences.
  • Practical Tools: Learn easy ways to identify and clear inherited trauma patterns that have been impacting your financial life.
  • Transformative Insights: Understand why you're not wrong, crazy, or lazy - and how to move from survival mode to true abundance.
  • Body-Mind Connection: Discover how money stress shows up in your body and what that tells you about your patterns.
  • Real Solutions: Get concrete suggestions for shifting your relationship with money, without having to "get everything right" first.