Colleen Robinson
Colleen's background and practice as a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine has allowed her time to focus on pattern recognition, individuality, and the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit.
Her work with “energy medicine” techniques and the creation of YIM: Your Integral Medicine has given her insight into how much capacity people have, how complex they are, and how much goodness they have.
Her work with Dana and his all-embracing compass and personal guidance system of The Black Belt Mind has allowed her to recognize each person’s innate sense of knowingness and capacity to truly walk the path of being a better person every day, every choice, every moment.
Dana Pemberton
Dana’s background is as a problem-solver and pattern-finder. His martial arts training began before he entered school, and has never stopped.
His work with athletes transferred quickly to working with executives who needed to bring out the best in themselves, and from there to helping companies deal with change management, communication issues, and personal empowerment.
Dana’s work stays relevant not only with corporations but also with couples, families, and anyone looking to create the best version of themselves. He has an almost uncanny ability to sift through the often overwhelming aspects of the issues that people are facing, and pinpoint the most critical areas to work with for rapid change.
Together, Colleen and Dana bring complementary skill sets to classes, group work, and presentations. Their years of working side by side allow them to focus on the things that are important to them with clients: safety, communication, ease, and progress.
Ways We Can Work Together

New Agreement Process
The New Agreement Process is a simple “repeat after me”process that tracks trauma back to its roots. It’s a multifaceted, interdisciplinary healing experience that leads to lasting change and rapid transformation. Learn more about upcming NAP Pods & Pop-Up-NAP sessions.
LEARN MORE ABOUT NAPE2- Exponential Evolution
A 2-month container to fast track your personal evolution. Access our entire toolkit of modalities (NAP, Ancestral Trauma Healing, The Black Belt Mind, TCM ...) focused directly on YOU. We will meet 2 X month for 2 hour sessions and you will have access to us both in-between calls. Note this is an intensive container (things will shift dramatically in your life) and the investment is $2000CAD (payment plan available)
Learn More about E2
Note: Colleen & Dana are not taking on new clients in their private practices therefor the above mentioned programs (NAP & E2) are currently the only ways to work with them.
Corporate Workshops & Trainings
Colleen & Dana have hosted numerous corporate workshops and trainings on topics like:
Reacting vs. Responding
Leading from any chair (leadership from all levels of the organization)
Corporate culture
Leadership & communication
Integrity & communication, working with values-based leadership
State of readiness, how to apply in your daily work
Safety and the chain of command
Customized workshops & trainings based on the needs of the organization