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Healing with NAP: Explore How Ego Can Be Your Ally

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Discover how NAP (New Agreement Process) creates a shame-free space for transformation by embracing the ego as an ally rather than an foe. This video explores how NAP acknowledges and respects the ego's role in protecting innocence, fostering collaboration between the ego, conscious mind, and deeper self. Learn how this unique approach helps individuals rewrite old agreements and achieve meaningful shifts without judgment or shame.

0:15 - NAP as a shame-free zone
0:32 - Why the ego protects innocence
0:50 - The importance of not demonizing the ego
1:05 - How NAP makes allies with the ego
1:20 - Using acceptance and acknowledgment in NAP
1:35 - Collaborating with the ego for transformation
1:50 - Gathering and aligning information from the ego
2:00 - The power of sincerity in shifting old agreements

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