Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain!
Remember The Wizard of Oz? 🔮
Dorothy & pals wanted to find things they thought they were missing (home, heart, brains, and courage) so they went to the Wizard of Oz, who appeared as a giant and powerful all-knowing all-seeing floating head and sent them haring all over creation.
After all sorts of trials, tribulations, and traumas, they marched back to demand their prizes only to find out the great and powerful Wizard of Oz was really just a plain old dude hiding behind a curtain, projecting his best image of being a mighty and smart head but really just being a scared guy looking for his own way home to safety.
And here's the thing. The man behind the curtain? The man who is pulling the strings, sending people into danger, lying to them with the best of intentions, and hoping that he's somehow right?
The man behind your curtain is actually you 🫢
Or at least the part of you that's hoping for the best but afraid of what's happened in the past.
You (like all of us) have a big giant head that appears to be all-knowing, but it's really just a projection trying to hide fears.
And that's ok!
But it does create blindspots...
Because let's face it, the part of us that's hiding behind a curtain, afraid of the past, it can't see past that curtain. It's too busy hiding and surviving.
We all have blindspots. There's no shame in that. Heck, sometimes they're a necessity. Helping us survive is kind of essential.
But that pesky little epigenetic survival switch? It's a switch for a reason. Switch one way for survival, switch it back for thriving. Otherwise it wouldn't be switchable, right?
Happily, though, there's a path to the switches...
Several paths, actually. More like a map. More like a treasure hunt. And like any treasure hunt, if you know how to solve the clues, you know how to find the treasure 🔎🗺️
So if you know about your history, you will know about some of the switches. But here's the thing:
Even if you don't know about your history, you know about some of the switches. You just don't know you know.
But sometimes, aiming for the obvious works just fine.
Let's say you have problems with money....
Now let's say that you're a woman. Or you have ancestors that are women (pretty safe bet 😆.)
In Canada, women could only have a bank account if they were married. It was like this until 1964. 1964, people! Not exactly forever ago. So until a woman was married, couldn't save money, couldn't control their own finances, couldn't access money they earned. They were at the whim of the men in their life.
So now if you're doing a round of NAP, you can include a statement like "and it makes sense that I don't put money in the bank, because my ancestors literally weren't allowed to put money in the bank!" or "and it makes sense that I over-use my credit card, because my ancestors - heck, my mom or grandmother - couldn't get their own credit card, so no wonder I have a party with mine!"
Want more hints? Come join us online for our fun, fabulous, FREE Masterclass on February 6th at 7pm to learn some straightforward maps to Discovering Your Own Trauma Patterns! It's an hour and a half of info you can use no matter what healing modality you like. And yes, there will be a 48 hour video replay available if you miss the class. But if you make the class, there will be oodles of time for questions, so have your detective notebook ready! 📝
Yours in following the yellow brick road,
Dana & Colleen 🙌