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We All Need a Little Light 🌅

Rumi was a 13th century Sufi poet, scholar, and mystic who wrote a ton of gorgeous poetry including this:

I said: What about my heart?

He said: Tell me what you hold inside it

I said: Pain and sorrow.

He said: Stay with it. The wound is the place the light enters you.

That's one of those lines that can give people hope. Hope that the hard stuff isn't just hard. Hope that the bad days - the really bad days - aren't for nothing. Faith that there is a way through, there is a reason.

That's what we use NAP and The Black Belt Mind for...

  • We help you find out where the light is.
  • What the point was.
  • How you're stronger and more powerful because of it.
  • How you're not the sum total of your mistakes and injuries: you're the person that you find underneath when the hard things wear the rough edges off of you. 

Or if you'd prefer a more modern version of that sentiment thanks to the incredible Leonard Cohen:

There is a crack in everything 

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack, a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in

So if you want to come join us in celebrating who you are, cracks and all, we'd love that.

We're offering a free Masterclass to let in some light around money

Because we talked to people about the masterclass coming up and they let us know that money (and the associated patterns and traumas and inherited freaking traumas because holy wow how many of us have inherited money worries and problems?!) felt like a bigger priority to them right now.  

So we're postponing the Masterclass until February 20th (sign-up link coming asap!) and we will be giving you some fabulous facts around:

  • Your miseducation around money (with apologies to the fabulous Lauryn Hill)
  • inherited trauma around money
  • common patterns to look at / clear for yourself
  • seriously interesting stats about money trauma (because science)
  • money as a by-product of how you flow attention 

This class is FREE, and you get a 48 hour replay in case you can't make it live. If you do make it live, bring your questions! 

The NAP Pod coming up after that...

is all about moving your trauma patterns around money. 

Money isn't everything, but money trauma sure seems to be everywhere.

  • Not having enough
  • Wanting it too much to the point where people drive themselves into the ground
  • Being ashamed of having it - or not having it
  • Being stressed about it
  • Being ashamed of where you spend it
  • Being confused about it

And mostly not knowing that most if not all of these patterns are not yours.

And if they're not yours? You're allowed to get rid of them 🚮

This is a group where your two cents and this other person's memory and that person's thought get combined into a clearing extravaganza by Dana and Colleen, with some info from The Black Belt Mind tucked in to keep you moving in the right direction. Sign up here.