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Win Hearts, Not Arguments: the Art of Expressing Over Explaining

The third of three basics of conscious communication: the difference between explaining and expressing. One is logical but hard to connect with. The other is thoughful and is more likely to move the listener and foster understanding, regardless of agreement. This discussion emphasizes the importance of recognizing and harnessing the power of emotional content in communication to more effectively get one's point across and build meaningful connections, particularly in overcoming misunderstandings.

 00:00 Introduction to Conscious Communication
00:19 Explaining vs. Expressing: The Core of Conscious Communication
00:53 The Power of Emotional Content in Communication
02:23 The Pitfalls of Logic-Driven Explanations
03:11 Embracing Expression for Meaningful Connections
04:01 Conclusion: The Impact of Convicted Expression

 #consciouscommunication #effectivecommunication #mindfulcommunication #communicationskills #personaldevelopment #intentionalcommunication #SummerOfCommunication #emotionalintelligence #NAP #theblackbeltmind #selfimprovement #relationshiptips #listenandlearn #relationshipgoals #meaningfulconversations #buildingconnections #lifeskills #loveandrelationships #healthyrelationships #effectivelistening #partnershipgoals #relationshipadvice #activelistening #meaningfulinteractions #understandingothers #empathyinrelationships #authenticcommunication